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Dear Colleague

The 4th International Medical Conference on “Advances in Contemporary Medicine” is going to be held on 7-9 October, 2011, in Istanbul, as an organization o Kabardino- Balkaria State University Nalchik, Russian Federation, ARABMED in Europe and The Federation of Circassian Associations, Turkey, Jordan and Europe, under the auspices

of Turkish Society of Cardiology.


Read more: invitation to 4 Internationl Medical Conference

Program of Science in the 21st century- Medical research in Africa and the Middle EastDear colleagues,

It ́s our pleasure to invite you to our expert seminar: “Global science in the 21st century, Medical research in Africa and the Middle East”. A continuous connection to their former university hospital or institution is essential for a fruitful scientific and personal cooperation between alumuni and german institutions.

Especially Alumni working at their home universities are interested in a mutual research. Due to our experience most of the basic science research is performed in german labs, while collection of samples and data is often done in so called developing countries. In contrast to many problems with clinical and molecular research in countries of Africa and the Middle East there are encouraging examples of mutual research and exchange.

Read more: Expert Seminar 2011

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the the organizing committee, we have the privilege of inviting you to the 27th annual conference of the Arab medical doctors in Europe to be held in Madrid, Spain (28 - 30 octotber 2011).The conference will serve as an occasion to get to know your fellow Arab doctors both from the Arab countries as well as in Europe and the U.S.A and get acquainted with the latest scientific and medical developments. The major theme of the conference is:

Traffic Medicine, interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue on “Global Science – Theses for a Scientific Conception of the 21st Century”, Heart Diseases, Metabolic disease and Ophthalmology There are also other themes as contained in the attached registration form. Further details on the scientific and social events will be sent to you in August 2011.The deadline for synopses is the 30th of August 2011.Please register as early as possible. More information on hotel prices will be forthcoming .You is kindly requested to do the reservation by your self. If you have any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you very much


Dr. Faidi Omar Mahmoud

.          Dr. Bahjat Assaf

President of ARABMED in Europe

.          President of the Meeting.


For mor Information 27th annual conference of the ARABMED

Dear Colleagues,

It is our utmost pleasure to welcome you to both the 26th Annual Meeting of ARABMED in Europe and the 1st Annual Conference of the Union of Arab Doctors in Ireland, convened in Dublin, 29-31 October 2010. Submissions for presentation at this conference have been made from a wide range of European and Arab universities and hospitals. We are expecting delegates from 13 countries including Germany, UK, France, Spain, Ireland, Poland, Turkey, Austria, Iraq, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria. We are looking forward to a unique, stimulating and scientifically rewarding conference. Our scientific programme is rich and we expect it to be interesting and relevant to all participants. We also hope that you are able to meet old and new colleagues in these sessions leading to lively discussions in which you can learn from each other.

We at the Arab Medical Union in Europe very much hope that this gathering will enhance our scientific commitment and long-term cooperation between all of us. So far, the Union has held 25 scientific conferences in various European and Arab cities, which have been attended by nearly 2,050 European and Arab specialists including 400 professors and distinguished scholars.

Let me take this opportunity to praise those who wholeheartedly engaged in the development of this Union. On the one hand, these include some early pioneers who built the road with confidence and cemented the foundations of our work as well as provided the means of success and sustainability. On the other hand, these also include the second generation which has built on this solid base and overseen the expansion of activity and directed the Union towards new horizons. On behalf of the Arab Medical Union in Europe, I extend our sincere thanks to Minister Conor Lenihan, Minister for Science, Technology, Innovation and Natural Resources, Ireland, Dr.Ghassan Elagha, President of the Arab Medical Union in Ireland, and Dr. Keilani, President of the Union of Arab Medicals and Pharmacists in Austria, and the representatives from Arab countries. We would also like to thank the members of the scientific and organizing committee for their hard work. Last but not least, thanks are due to the participants and all presenters and to our delegates who are behind the success of this scientific gathering. A warm welcome to all of you and best wishes for an exciting conference!


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