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To qualify for membership, individuals must be of Arab descent or have a close affinity with individuals of Arab origin and should be members of the medical profession as defined in the bylaws.

  • Active membership: Licensed persons in the medical, dental, pharmacology professions in a European country. Active members have the right to vote and hold office.
  • Associate membership: Medical, dental and pharmacy students, interns, residents, and fellows in training in a European country; and physicians of Arab descent licensed in countries outside of Germany, but with residence in a European country. Associate members may not vote or hold office. The first year’s dues for interns, residents and fellows are complimentary. Student memberships are complimentary.
  • Affiliate membership: Any person who practices in medicine or related fields and who is not otherwise eligible to hold active membership. Affiliate members may not vote or hold office.
  • Honorary membership: Any person of Arab descent in the medical profession who has made a distinguished scientific contribution; and individuals of Arab or non-Arab descent who have contributed to the association and its cause. Honorary members may not vote or hold office.
  • Corresponding membership: Persons in the medical, dental and pharmacology professions residing outside Germany and licensed in the country of residence. Corresponding members may not vote or hold office.
  • Auxiliary membership: Family members of active, associate, affiliate or honorary members of ARABMED or any individual not in the medical field who demonstrates commitment to ARABMED’s mission.


ARABMED members share their medical expertise and cultural heritage. They are committed to improving medical conditions in the Arab world and in Arab-European communities. A one-year membership entitles each member to:

  1. ARABMED E-News newsletter
  2. Reduced registration fees at ARABMED’s annual national and international medical conventions
  3. Free admission to most of ARABMED’s chapter events