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Dear Colleagues

On behalf of the organizing committee, we have the privilege of inviting you to the 32ed annual conference of the Arab medical Union in Europe in collaboration with colleagues in Austria to participate in this conference to be held in Vienna, Austria (16-18 September 2016), where would be this conference is a good time for all participants to get to know colleagues from Arab countries and employees in Europe by attracting and engaging more elite of scientists
The main topics of the conference are

1. Management and Medical Care in refugees

  • Immigration Country Austria – Development, Structures and Political Recommendations
  • Physician refuge in Europe- between Identity and Duties
  • Developing Motivational and Self-Regulation Skills in Physician refuge with Learning Difficulties –From an Individual Training to a Group Training

2. The Elements of research and scientific policy
3. Diabetes Mellitus, Oncology and Ophthalmology, additionally New various medical topics

The deadline to accept the summary lecture is on 30 July 2016 will also committees develop the scientific program and social at a later date to be announced at in September 2016
We hope your participation as Speaker or listeners, particularly the younger generation of Physician, whether in Europe or in their homeland.
And we will be happy when see you and greet you in Vienna, besides meeting with you, in an atmosphere of scientific fraternal useful and productive.
For the colleagues who need Visa to Austria please early contact with the Organisation Committee in Vienna, where the visa procedures need about two months and that must be submitted to the Austria embassies in their countries


Dr. med Faidi Omar Mahmoud Dr. Tamam Kelani
President of ARABMED in Europe President of the Meeting


For more information about the conference click the Invitation image