Dear colleagues, delegates and guests of honour,
on behalf of the scientific committee, I welcome all our delegates who are
attending the 21st Annual Conference of the Arab Medical Union in Europe in
Istanbul. It is a great pleasure for us to have invited you to attend and
contribute to our scientific symposiums this year. We all at ARABMED are
honoured to see this year’s conference being conducted under the patronage
of Prof. Dr. Hussein Al Gezairy, Regional Director of the World Health
Organization for the Eastern Mediterranean.
Our aim is to facilitate knowledge and communication across specialties and
among concerned professionals or scholars who have a scientific interest in
medical research and allied fields.
Delegates representing 10 countries are expected to attend this year
conference. They come from the Arab World, Europe and beyond. Keynote
speakers and over 44 research papers will be discussed. This year, our
programme will focus on geriatrics medicin. However, we are expecting
delegates with a wider range of expertise and with all aspects of medical and
health sciences.
We will do our utmost to communicate the main recommendations of this
conference to you in the forthcoming issue of the ARABMED journal.
I am extremely grateful to all of those who have supported our efforts, assisted
us and worked very hard to make this conference possible and successful. For
the future of these scientific gatherings and meetings, we hope you continue
supporting us. I also want to thank the host country, Turkey, which has always
served as a bridge between Orient and Occident thus making it the perfect
location of our annual meeting.
In addition, I express my deepest gratitude towards the WHO’s Regional Office
for the Eastern Mediterranean which enabled us to invite so many colleagues
from Iraq. I honestly hope that this step will bring us closer to each other and
help to rebuild a new Iraq.
Finally, I would like to use this opportunity to thank you all very much for
attending the conference and to wish you an enjoyable stay in Istanbul.
Program :