5 Deutsch-Arabisches Gesundheits forum 25.-26. April 2012 in München
Innerhalb der deutsch-arabischen Wirtschaftsbeziehung hat sich das Thema Gesundheit bereits in der Vergangenheit zu einer starken Konstante entwickelt. Da die arabischen Staaten mit hohem finanziellem Engagement den Auf- und Ausbau ihrer Gesundheitssysteme vorantreiben und das deutsche Gesundheitssystem als wichtiges Vorbild ansehen, ergeben sich auch für die Zukunft enorme Potentiale für deutsche Unternehmen, Krankenhäuser und Gesundheitsinstitutionen. Daher veranstaltete die Ghorfa (Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry) dieses Forum.
Am 25. und 26. April 2012 fand in München im Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski München das 5. Deutsch-Arabische Gesundheitsforum statt, das die Ghorfa (Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry) in Kooperation mit dem Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Gesundheit organisierte.
Unter the Patronage of
Ministery of Health-Spain
27th Annual Meeting of ARABMED in Europe
1st Annual Meeting of ARABMED in Spain
Dear Colleagues,
In the name of the Arab Doctors' Association in Europe (ARABMED) and the Organizing Committee of the 27th Congress of ARABMED, we invite you to participate in the Annual Congress held in Madrid ARABMED 28 to October 30, 2011.
Dear Colleague
The 4th International Medical Conference on “Advances in Contemporary Medicine” is going to be held on 7-9 October, 2011, in Istanbul, as an organization o Kabardino- Balkaria State University Nalchik, Russian Federation, ARABMED in Europe and The Federation of Circassian Associations, Turkey, Jordan and Europe, under the auspices
of Turkish Society of Cardiology.
It ́s our pleasure to invite you to our expert seminar: “Global science in the 21st century, Medical research in Africa and the Middle East”. A continuous connection to their former university hospital or institution is essential for a fruitful scientific and personal cooperation between alumuni and german institutions.
Especially Alumni working at their home universities are interested in a mutual research. Due to our experience most of the basic science research is performed in german labs, while collection of samples and data is often done in so called developing countries. In contrast to many problems with clinical and molecular research in countries of Africa and the Middle East there are encouraging examples of mutual research and exchange.